Sunday Northfield Vermont Services
Sunday, Northfield Falls, Vermont 11:00 a.m. EST Church Services
(Sunday morning at 11am EST at
Please click the links below to listen to the archived services for Northfield, Vermont.
- Sunday VT – 08/06/2017You know God loves you because He sent His son to die for you. But do you love Him?
- Sunday VT – 07/30/2017Hang on to what God gives you. Are you going to please everybody else or the Lord?
- Sunday VT – 07/23/2017We are going to fall into various trials but we have a loving, caring Father. He will forgive us when we turn to Him. SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 4:4, Romans 3:23, James 1
- Sunday VT – 07/16/2017Click here to listen to Brother STEVE’S preaching or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steve Atherton Scriptures Used: 1 Thessalonians 1:1 Matthew 1:1 Acts 19 Joshua 1 Subject: Sin works a work called humility because you constantly have to walk in the sufficiency of Jesus ...
- Sunday VT – 07/09/2017If you believe God, that’s gold and it shines forth. If you try to do it yourself, that’s brass and it takes a lot of maintenance and work to make it look like gold, but it will never be gold.
- Sunday VT – 09/06/2015“Everything YOU do gets you life eternal” is a lie! SCRIPTURES USED: Romans 8:28, John 17:3
- Sunday VT – 08/30/2015Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Charles Hocker Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday VT – 08/23/2015When you pray, you’re on your knees, but when you get up you are rejoicing in the victory in Christ Jesus. Remember that those who do not serve Him are His enemies, even if they are His people. SCRIPTURES USED: Luke 18:8-14, Numbers 10:35-11:4, 2 Timothy 3, Ephesians 4, John 16:16-21
- Sunday VT – 08/16/2015Evil is gaining ground. Our job is to fight against it. SCRIPTURES USED: Proverbs 3, Joshua 23:1-13, 1 Peter 5:1-9, John 3:16-20
- Sunday VT – 08/09/2015Ruth was the picture of submission. Submit voluntarily of your own free will in accordance with the Word of God. SCRIPTURES USED: 1 John 1:1-10, 1 Peter 5:5-7, Ruth, Joshua 1, Hebrews 13:7, Hebrews 13:17, Romans 13:1
- Sunday VT – 08/02/2015My hope is not in this life. It is in Jesus, who overcame the grave. SCRIPTURES USED: Psalm 37:4, Deuteronomy 9:27, 1 Samuel 15:23
- Sunday VT – 07/26/2015When you take heed to the counsel of God, you hang onto it with all your might and don’t let go, like Jacob did with the angel, to prevail. SCRIPTURES USED: Acts 20:25-38, Ezekiel 33:1-20
- Sunday VT – 07/19/2015Fellowship with the body helps shine a light on the darkness in our heart. Show God’s love to others. SCRIPTURES USED: 1 John 1-2:2, Colossians 3:12, 1 John 4:7-11
- Sunday VT – 07/12/2015Forgiveness when you don’t have it in you to forgive, ask the Lord and extend your hand to forgive and He will make it possible. SCRIPTURES USED: Colossians 3, Matthew 11:28-30, 2 Timothy 2:1-2
- Sunday VT – 07/05/2015The importance of fellowship. It’s not a news flash to the Lord that we are the way we are, it’s news to us! That pride is your flesh. It’s always going to be there. It doesn’t matter. How can someone like me walk in the grace of God! The blood of the Lamb ...
- Sunday VT – 06/28/2015Samuel was surprised that David was the one chosen, David was satisfied and pleased to be with the sheep. SCRIPTURES USED: Hebrews 4, Mark 8:27
- Sunday VT – 06/21/2015Press on. Go towards the prize. We often do not realize what we can do unless pushed.
- Sunday VT – 06/14/2015Christians are deceived by new age teachings today. Playing defense can tire you out quickly. When you take the initiative, God is with you. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 24:1-14, Luke 10:17-19, Matthew 16:17-18
- Sunday VT – 06/07/2015Onions rot at the center, not from the outside. Peeling layers exposes the rot. SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 2:3, Romans 7, Luke 19:11-26
- Sunday VT – 05/31/2015Our life in the Lord is like an onion, as we learn to trust the Lord, the outside layers are discarded. SCRIPTURES USED: Hebrews 12:1-11, Matthew 7:21, 1 Samuel 15:1
- Sunday VT – 05/24/2015Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Megan Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday VT – 05/17/2015We don’t listen or hear because we are too busy thinking what our response will be. Be slow to speak and slow to wrath. If you hear something you don’t like, and get angry, it doesn’t work righteousness, it’s all about defending ourselves because we’re right in our own minds. SCRIPTURES USED: Romans 7:18 to ...
- Sunday VT – 05/10/2015It’s important to speak the same thing in the Lord. People prefer the traditions of man. The Lord rebuked the Pharisees for preferring those traditions. SCRIPTURES USED: Psalm 118
- Sunday VT – 05/03/2015Discipleship requires discipline. That’s why out here in the world education fails. They say nobody is perfect. SCRIPTURES USED: Hebrews 4, Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 4:11
- Sunday VT – 04/26/2015The story of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were hated by the Jews. Trust in the Lord and do good. Don’t trust in your heart, it is desperately wicked. SCRIPTURES USED: Luke 10:24-37, John 14:1-4, Matthew 23:11, John 10:10, Psalm 37:1-4
- Sunday VT – 04/19/2015The “Can Do Expressway”. Learning means you go forward in a different way having learned that lesson. SCRIPTURES USED: Colossians 1:23
- Sunday VT – 04/12/2015My God, why have you forsaken me? It is really us forsaking Him. The only way to hope through that darkness, is to realize he is there, even when he was separated from the Father He knew He would pass through that. SCRIPTURES USED: John 1:1-3, Matt 27:39-53, Romans 12:3, Romans 5:1-9, Hebrews 4:12, ...
- Sunday VT – 04/05/2015“I want to hear you”, is that truly a prayer of yours? What about when He says woe unto you? What about when He says no? Do you still want to hear Him? Is that still your prayer? SCRIPTURES USED: Hebrews 12, Hebrews 3:7-4:1, Isaiah 1:11-18, 2 Thessalonians 2:7
- Sunday VT – 03/29/2015I will not forget your love for me, and yet, my heart forever is wandering. “The Time Machine” has an interesting point: the people are like children in simplicity, and everything is provided for them. SCRIPTURES USED: Psalm 37, Isaiah 55:6-9, Isaiah 58:13-14, Philippians 3:1-14, Hebrews 10:38
- Sunday VT – 03/22/2015Pride feels good; people endure all kinds of things for pride’s sake, such as diseases: poor, pitiful me. Pride is very closely tied to unbelief. When you are walking in pride, you are justifying yourself. SCRIPTURES USED: Job 1:1-8, 1 Peter 2:13 to 1 Peter 3:11
- Sunday VT – 03/15/2015God’s agenda or your agenda? There is only one correct answer. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 27:34-47, John 5, John 15:5, John 17
- Sunday VT – 03/08/2015You are not your own – you are bought with a price. SCRIPTURES USED: 1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 7:22-23, Matthew 10:16-42, Ephesians 4:11-13, Ephesians 6:10-12
- Sunday VT – 03/01/2015Except ye be converted: you thought you knew what you were doing, and when you’re converted you realize you didn’t, and go back to the Lord, and ask His forgiveness. SCRIPTURES USED: Ecclesiastes 3:1, Matthew 18:1-3, Proverbs 3:5-6, James 1:2-4, Colossians 3:16
- Sunday VT – 02/22/2015What does it mean to love? Not the way the world teaches love (Phelios) but rather Gods love (Agape). The more we love, the quicker the Spirit moves. The fruit of the Spirit is Agape love. SCRIPTURES USED: John 15:1-6, Matthew 18:1-3
- Sunday VT – 02/15/2015Without Jesus there is no hope. There is such hopelessness in this world without Jesus. SCRIPTURES USED: James 1:27, Matt 17:15-17, 1 John 4:8-17
- Sunday VT – 02/08/2015The easy way would be to have somebody to follow. When Megan came to the United States, she didn’t have someone to show her how to keep house, because of the manner of life she grew up in. When she had children, it became harder to find time to keep up everything. ...
- Sunday VT – 02/01/2015Hearing is a gift from God. How many times do we hear the Word of God and turn away from it? It is a testimony against me. I have been given the opportunity to hear the Word, and how many times have I turned from it? When I look at my ...
- Sunday VT – 01/25/2015You have to battle in the mind constantly. Lean unto the Lord and He shall direct thy paths. Our own understanding gets us into trouble. This is what causes the chaos in the church today. Fear the Lord. Where is the fear of God today? Do people believe that ...
- Sunday VT – 01/18/2015Take heed what you hear. If He can give you His Word to speak to others and you take heed, He will give you more. When you don’t take heed and hear, He will take even what you have. If you’re going to be faithful, it’s really just a choice. Being ...
- Sunday VT – 01/11/2015All men have the same measure of faith. I give faith back to God, believing Him. Then we put our faith in the Lord and the impurities of our faith have to be scraped away. In the end our faith becomes pure. Love is something that before I knew Jesus ...
- Sunday VT – 01/04/2015God is agape love, not felios. We are addicted to felios love on this earth. Giving in to feelings is not of God and has created a generation of men who don’t want to stand. Men are unimpressed with the church. They don’t go but their wives think it’s good and ...
- Sunday VT – 12/28/2014It’s not the lusts of the earthly things that consume us. The things that are most difficult to get rid of are things like the idea that there is something good in me. We like to feel good about ourselves and think that we have something good to offer. SCRIPTURES USED: Luke 17:20, ...
- Sunday VT – 12/21/2014When we think it’s all about us: It’s good to remember who He is and what He has done, and remember it’s not about us. Have we told the sun to rise on any day? That is why we worship Him, because He does all this. In history, when people prayed ...
- Sunday VT – 12/14/2014The spirit of the Lord hath anointed me to preach deliverance to the captives. This is the truth. When we are broken-hearted the Lord is quick to restore our hearts. Joshua asked are you for us or for our adversaries. He said “Nay”, he wasn’t there on a particular man’s side, ...
- Sunday VT – 12/07/2014Jesus knows what it is to be alienated from God. When He was on the cross, He was separated from God and had to believe God. He came out of that grave and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Each of us is guilty of the death of Christ. ...
- Sunday VT – 11/30/2014In the world it is easy to get distracted. The Jews were in rebellion and were looking for a mighty king and Jesus sent a perfect sacrifice. Those that thought they didn’t require a sacrifice thought they had it all figured out. There is nothing in the world that compares to fellowship ...
- Sunday VT – 11/23/2014Thanksgiving: we have an annual reminder of thanking the Lord. To most people it is just a holiday that is a day of having a day off, good food, etc. Everything that the Lord did, the provision, etc. is through His mercy. He made provision for those who are His even ...
- Sunday VT – 11/16/2014There are times in our walk that we focus on the Lord more at times and less at times. Looking back at our lives we see times that we have failed. We haven’t done things to please the Lord. We have to press forward. If we’re not willing to press forward ...
- Sunday VT – 11/9/2014When you get down, don’t sink into the mire, but read the Word. The accuser stands before God and accuses the saints each day. Our flesh is part of this world. He tells us that we are a fraud, it is a battle to believe the Lord. We have to come back to Jesus. ...
- Sunday VT – 11/2/2014Judgment feels so good! When you are judging someone you are in a high and lofty place. When you minister a message you get the opportunity to stand in that message. Be prepared to stand in that message. Phelios v agape: reproof, rebuke and correction doesn’t feel very good if ...
- Sunday VT – 10/26/2014We speak what comes out of our own hearts and are held accountable for what we say. It’s easy to speak your cares upon Him but to cast your cares upon Him means let them go to Jesus and believe He will handle them. You cannot add Jesus to your life, you have ...
- Sunday VT – 9/28/2014Things that hold us back from moving forward in the Lord. One of them is guilt. Guilt festers and sits in your mind. We need to overcome that guilt. We all have “skeletons in our closet” that make us horrible. Each of us is horrible. We need to get over ...
- Sunday VT – 9/21/2014We have evil imaginations in our hearts. The world is full of violence and hatred. To get out of that is to turn to He who can cleanse me. I have to get to that point that when I am walking down the path of darkness, to turn back to the light. ...
- Sunday VT – 9/14/2014Discussion of the fear that is out there in the world. But prayer to the Lord and leaving it with Him, believing, brings peace. No one lives without faith, it is just where we put it. Christians are to put all of their faith in Him. If we don’t, what are ...
- Sunday VT – 9/7/2014When we come to an understanding of what Jesus Christ really did, we are set free. It is not something we accomplish in our flesh, it never will be, it never can be. He made us free from our flesh! He did it! What happens to us oftentimes is that we ...
- Sunday VT – 8/31/2014Jesus & John the Baptist’s minds were wholly dedicated to knowing and performing the will of God continuously. Is yours? The internet never allows us to forget when we have done something wrong. The worlds way is to hold everything we’ve ever done against us forever. The Lords way is once ...
- Sunday VT – 8/17/2014Propitiation means atonement. It is the commandment of God – to have love one for another. It’s all about love. Jesus died for us out of love. He did what was necessary for us. How can we say that we believe Him if we don’t prefer others over ourselves. We have ...
- Sunday VT – 8/10/2014Let us love one another. It is a commandment that doesn’t come naturally to us. Sometimes it doesn’t occur to us to pray for someone in need. We need to show our love for the Lord by asking Him to direct us to minister unto others, even at those inconvenient times. ...
- Sunday VT – 8/03/2014“Jesus Lover of My Soul” song: we have a choice, we can fall into struggles and let them pull us down and consume us, or rise above that through what the Lord has given us and done for us. Remember the first commandment: love the Lord God with your whole heart, soul, mind, ...
- Sunday VT – 7/27/2014Our faith is to be in Jesus Christ, and when we look at ourselves, we come to the conclusion that we are base. When others see the Lord is with us despite our baseness, they then have a hope also. The flesh is base and ugly, but Christ has overcome that. If ...
- Sunday VT – 7/20/2014It’s interesting to learn as we grow in the Lord that we have an enemy. It’s easy to make the enemy someone who offended you. Most of the time the enemy is my own self … the things I walked in before I became a Christian. We still have some strongholds that ...
- Sunday VT – 7/13/2014How important it is to occupy the position of authority rightly. People find fault with their authorities to justify themselves. If you’re going to be an elder, you have to stand in the grace of God, notwithstanding your own shortcomings and failures. It serves God and shows the people that all of ...
- Sunday VT – 7/06/2014Paul was a man that went from faith to faith. In Acts, we get to see him doing that. That which we should have done and we didn’t, there is the exhortation to be of good cheer. Paul was told by the Lord that He would save all of the men on ...
- Sunday VT – 6/29/2014The struggle within the flesh, that there is nothing to justify myself before God. The faith that I place upon Him is my hope. There is liberty in that hope. It is there for us. Trying to justify yourself is misery. It is wonderful to be free from that. ...
- Sunday VT – 6/22/2014Everyone avails themselves of the blood of the Lamb. There’s another part of the sufficiency of the blood that we lack oftentimes. That we stand solely and completely because of its sufficiency and not to justify otherwise. Coming to rest in the fact that we are sinners but Jesus took our place ...
- Sunday VT – 6/15/2014It is paralyzing when we look at how we are and how can the Lord love us? Yes, we are awful. But we can’t live there. We can’t live under the cloud, or we can never serve the Lord. We have to get to that point that we recognize that we ...
- Sunday VT – 6/8/2014I’ve been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. It is so easy to lose sight of that. We have to remember in the midst of our frustration with others, that we are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. There’s nothing about worthiness. It doesn’t matter. Being filled with ...
- Sunday VT – 6/1/2014Lydia heard and believed. The Lord opened her heart. Paul came into her house because he judged her to be faithful. Paul commanded a spirit of divination out of a woman, the response was that people were stirred up against him. Paul understood the repercussions of what he did, but he ...
- Sunday VT – 5/25/2014The way our flesh works is often like a coin. The head – gets the attitude of how good we are. Sometimes we’re the tail, we wonder how the Lord can even love us. The head of the coin is as far away as the tail as it can be. ...
- Sunday VT – 5/18/2014The great transgression – as it applies to you – we begin to recognize more and more our sin. We realize that we are good for nothing from the moment we draw breath. There is nothing in the natural that can free us from this situation. We start out in life getting ...
- Sunday VT – 5/11/2014Scriptures on hope. Our hope cannot lie in doing everything right. It is of the Lord’s mercy that we are not consumed. Hope is an anchor of the soul. Sure and steadfast. The hope of salvation. It’s not about us and how we do things. Our hope is ...
- Sunday VT – 5/4/2014God is love, and the charity spoken of in 1 Cor 13 is love. Our soul comes from God and returns unto God. Who else would you lift up your soul unto? David is lifting up his soul to the Lord to be examined and be transformed in accordance with God’s will. ...
- Sunday VT – 4/27/2014How do we love one another? The story of the testimony of the Love of God to Robin. The Lord never departed from her despite her being a tough nut to crack. His ministers continued to show His love. Once that shell began to crack there was hope in the Lord ...
- Sunday VT – 4/20/2014The difference between those who chose to buy the oil and those who didn’t. The oil is the Holy Ghost. The ones who chose the oil were not caught unawares. The foolish were those who accepted the Lord and went about their business. How many have I been like the unwise, ...
- Sunday VT – 4/13/2014We’ve been getting hard messages lately. As we go through those it’s hard. But it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Then we can walk in Him in confidence as Jesus did with Lazarus. We need to get shed of all the confidence in ourselves. We need to cease from ...
- Sunday VT – 4/6/2014Be still and know that I am God. We have to learn to hear God’s voice. Take the time to be quiet so that when He says something you hear it. Ask the Lord to help you hear His voice. How often do you feel like you are adequate at completing ...
- Sunday VT – 3/30/2014A comparison between the movie “It’s a wonderful life” and the things of the Lord. Are you allowing the old man to come back into your life? Why do I have to put off the old man? Why is it important? Why wouldn’t the Lord just put off my old man? Why do ...
- Sunday VT – 3/23/2014Though this physical body gets weary with this winter my soul and spirit are not. Fret not over evil doers, be angry and sin not. We can not minister the salvation of Jesus Christ out of Anger. We need to ask the Lord to sort this out in us. Ministering rightly is not ...
- Sunday VT – 3/16/2014Love is what brings us to Jesus. We have to put that love forth to others. Step out of our way and allow Him to move in us. When we depart from the faith, we have lost the love. Love is a choice. Jesus said if you love Me, ...
- Sunday VT – 3/09/2014We have to be ready, which starts first thing in the morning, so that when we are called upon we are ready. If you don’t choose to serve God, you have already chosen against serving God. SCRIPTURES: Isaiah 14:12-14
- Sunday VT – 3/02/2014He came to save the ungodly … YOU qualify! If you are not ungodly, He did not die for you! We all have the exact same salvation and hope. There is one hope, one Lord, one baptism, one God. If you are about your Lord’s business they have to take care ...
- Sunday VT – 2/23/2014We have a sound hope in Christ Jesus, even at the moment of our death. We have our own problems to deal with, and don’t think about others and their problems. Pray for others. Those things that you have seen and heard, DO. SCRIPTURES: Philippians 4:4-13
- Sunday VT – 2/16/2014Every single one of us struggles to believe that the sufficiency of the blood of Jesus Christ is all we need. Everything in our flesh testifies against us. SCRIPTURES: Colossians 2:1, Hebrews 4
- Sunday VT – 2/9/2014Scriptures Used: 1 Corinthians 1:17, Colossians 2 Subject: Being worthy: there is nothing worthy in me. When we realize this we can look at what is important, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We want to think somehow we are worthy. The bar is so high none of us will ever reach ...
- Sunday VT – 2/2/2014Scriptures Used: 2 Peter 1, Psalm 51, 1 John 5 Subject: Come unto Him as little children. Children need others. They don’t get hung up about their stumbles. 2 Peter 1 says to add things to our faith. Virtue, where we step into the body of Christ and do His ...
- Sunday VT – 1/26/2014Scriptures Used: Matthew 13:44, Proverbs 2, Matthew 5:44 Subject: From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, my Lords name is to be praised. The treasure hid in the field is us … for God so loved the world .. it’s us, the world. God gave all ...
- Sunday VT – 1/19/2014Scriptures Used: Matthew 7:7-12, James 4:1-3, Psalms 37 Subject: The Lord wants us to have joy so we can show others what Jesus is about. We have to come to the point to want to receive it. If you want joy, receive it and walk around with it for others to see ...
- Sunday VT – 1/12/2014Scriptures Used: Philippians 2:19-30, 2 Timothy 2:1, 2 Peter Subject: Those that have stayed in the body of Christ and remained have a testimony for others. If we don’t depart and know He is true, there is hope in Him. Meditate on the word of God – first get the Word in you. ...
- Sunday VT – 1/5/2014Scriptures Used: Romans 12:16-21, Matthew 5:43-48, Psalm 51 Subject: The Lord is always there for us to come back to when we go away. Your father in heaven is perfect. Not the father, your father. Our hope is in Him. When we give up hope we look for belonging in ...
- Sunday VT – 12/29/2013Scriptures Used: John 15:1-13, Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 4:6 Subject: What is the fruit Jesus is talking about here? The fruit is love. Everything Jesus preached revolved around agape love. Agape love differentiates us from the world. Love is doing right for a person. Telling them the truth. ...
- Sunday VT – 12/22/2013Scriptures Used: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Subject: People are going to church but not finding the truth there. When Charles first heard the truth he knew it was the truth. People become complacent and don’t really care to know the truth because it’s all about how they feel. God’s Word is offensive ...
- Sunday VT – 12/15/2013Scriptures Used: Psalms 51:7, Hebrews 11:29 to Hebrews 12:2 Subject: Snow – the physical properties of it that show our Lord. Snowflake Bentley, who took photographs of single snowflakes, and notice every one was different. As blinding white as snow is, the very center of it is a speck of dirt. ...
- Sunday VT – 12/08/2013Scriptures Used: Mark 4, Ezekiel 11:6-21 Subject: The seed and the sower parable. People say “God works in mysterious ways”. That’s not true. There is nothing hid that will not be manifest. Jesus doesn’t hide things from those who believe him. Are you one way in the world and another ...
- Sunday VT – 12/01/2013Scriptures Used: Hebrews 12:1-15, John 10:10 Subject: It is true joy when we accept The Lord. Chastisement from our elders is for our good. God honors humility. If you allow bitterness to take root in you when you are chastised, you allow the thief to kill, steal and destroy. We ...
- Sunday VT – 11/24/2013Scriptures Used: Philippians 2:9-11 Subject: Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord. Even the demons will bow before Him and confess He is Lord because He is, but the gainsayers, those who mock and scoff, they will all bow before Him and confess but it will be ...
- Sunday VT – 11/17/2013Scriptures Used: 2 Timothy 2:3, Romans 12:3, Hebrews 13:17, Philippians 3, Proverbs 1 Subject: When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we become part of army – a volunteer army We train to become an effective part of the unit. Things in the natural reflect things in the spiritual. ...
- Sunday VT – 11/10/2013Scriptures Used: Psalm 25, Psalm 32, Romans 4, Jeremiah 1, Jeremiah 17 Subject: Today is holy unto the Lord – it is the truth about everyday. Waiting means serving, ‘on thee do I wait all the day’, something we have to go back to frequently in a day. When we screw up ...
- Sunday VT – 11/03/2013Scriptures Used: Matthew 27:39-49, Romans 12:3, Genesis 15, Hebrews 11:6, Hebrews 13:17, Hebrews 12:1-11 Subject: Jesus always had communication with the Father. Romans 12:3 says we all have the same measure of faith. When Jesus died on the cross all sin came upon Him. The Father departed from Him because He ...
- Sunday VT – 10/27/2013Scriptures Used: John 13: 34-35, Galatians 5:22-23, John 15: 12-15, Luke 8: 26, Mark 5:1 Subject: It was very good to be in Texas, take time to listen to the recordings from there. We left Texas now need to put into practice what we learned. We need to think about the songs ...
- Sunday VT – 09/29/2013Scriptures Used: 2 Peter 1 Subject: We are members one of another in the Body of Christ. We can’t do those things perfectly that the Lord would have us do. We need each other. We are to love one another as we love ourselves. If we don’t love ourselves, how ...
- Sunday VT – 09/22/2013Scriptures Used: James, John 15 Subject: Judgment: we are not right to judge others. When we are pointing a finger at others the other fingers point back at ourselves. The Lord’s grace is there for us. Our children are not much different from ourselves. We make judgments of how ...
- Sunday VT – 09/15/2013Scriptures Used: Matthew 7:21-27, John 4, John 8 Subject: If you heard a sermon and do not remember what was said, then you are not doing the Word because we are told to know and do the Word. If you are doing the Word then you will know what you heard. Build ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/08/2013Scriptures Used: Romans 8:35, Philippians 4:8, Matthew 7:7, James 1 Subject: Who separates us from God? Us. Not Him. Vain repetition is empty. Start your day by faith in Christ Jesus. We have the responsibility of having faith in The Lord. Battle to believe notwithstanding our day. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/01/2013Scriptures Used: Philippians 3:13, Deuteronomy 32:7, 1 Chronicles 16:7, Romans 1:16, John 8, Psalm 51 Subject: Press toward the mark. Remember the Lord, forget ourselves, and the good and bad that has happened before. Glory in His holy name, seek His face continually. Remember His marvelous works that He hath done ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/25/2013Scriptures Used: Hebrews 11 Subject: The Lord moved on Scott to move to Texas and he heard the word of God’s ministers and obeyed. Because of his obedience, the Lord moved on his behalf in spite of himself.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/18/2013Scriptures Used: Romans 7, Isaiah 40:31 Subject: People would rather believe anything other than to believe Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is our job as believers to help people at the point of decision to see that they need Jesus Christ. A lot of what ministering is, is about being there. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/11/2013Scriptures Used: Psalm 19 Subject: The joy of the Lord even in hard work, trying times and lots of change is possible and a true blessing. When you are in fear, your senses are alert. When you do not have fear, you are dull. Jesus says their ears are dull of ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/04/2013Scriptures Used: Psalms 46, Philippians 3:10, Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalms 25:4-5 Subject: Shew me thy ways. His mercy is new every morning. Thank the Lord for it. We use up our account of mercy every day. Open the eyes of my heart. If we ask Him to direct our paths, ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/28/2013Scriptures Used: Mark 7, Philippians 3 Subject: We like to be justified in the flesh. Walk in His justification, not ours. If we walk in our own justification we have no part in the Lord. Attitudes and issues come up and we try to justify ourselves and run with it. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/21/2013Scriptures Used: Revelation 12:11 Subject: We should overcome by the blood of the Lamb. We apply it and stand up in His sufficiency. Be led of the spirit and not of the flesh. Have we been bought with a price or are we still on our own? We choose to walk ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/14/2013Scriptures Used: 2 Timothy 3, Galatians 5 Subject: Receiving and Believing in the Bible. Getting rid of “stuff” is easy, getting rid of the stuff between our ears seems harder, until you surrender and ask the Lord for help. Global warming – Global 2000 report – the truth about global warming. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/07/2013Scriptures Used: James 2:12-13, Romans 1:18, Isaiah 55 Subject: Mercy vs judgment. Jesus paid the price for us so we can be the recipients of mercy.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/30/2013Scriptures Used: Philippians 1:1-6, Proverbs 3:5-7, Hebrews, Ephesians 5:22, 1 Peter 3:1-6, Judges 9, Philippians 3, 2 Corinthians 11:23-29, 1 Timothy 1 Subject: We sometimes forget the good “little” things the Lord does for us every day. The Lord promises to perform a good work in us until the day of Jesus Christ. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/23/2013Scriptures Used: Romans 5, Romans 6 Subject: We need to be instant in season and out of season. When someone needs us to minister, we need to be ready. Fret not because of evildoers. Fret – this is an anger that builds up inside, causing envy and hatred. That ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/16/2013Scriptures Used: Proverbs 3:1-8, Matthew 6:5-13 Subject: How much is your mind on the Lord during the day? He promises not to depart from us.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/09/2013Scriptures Used: Joshua 5:13, Deuteronomy, Psalm 37, Hebrews 4, Hebrews 11 Subject: There is no God like our God. To fret means to be angry. Be angry and sin not, don’t stay angry. A believer takes God at His Word.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/02/2013Scriptures used: Psalm 32, Luke 5:18-25, Psalm 51 Subject: Selah: This means stop and think about what you just read. If we acknowledge our sin and ask forgiveness, He forgives us. Have you sinned? Has He forgiven you? Have you received it?
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/26/2013Scriptures used: Galatians 3:1 Subject: Focus on the good things God has done for you rather on unbelief. Our natural tendency is to complain about how hard things are regardless of how good things are.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/19/2013Scriptures used: Hebrews 5 Subject: We already know the goodness of the will of God. His desire is for our complete redemption. He is only good and only love.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/12/2013Scriptures used: Subject:
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/05/2013Scriptures used: John 16:31-33, Hebrews 6, Hebrews 11:6 Subject: We are going to have tribulation in the world. In the body of Christ, we are corrected by the brethren and that is the good thing that we need. Our flesh is never going to agree with the Lord. The only way to ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/28/2013Scriptures used: Subject:
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/21/2013Scriptures used: Hebrews 11 Subject: Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. Perfect peace. You can put me up on a cross and make me bleed and I still can’t save you, only the blood of Jesus Christ can save you. So why look to ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/14/2013Scriptures used: Colossians 3:23. Subject: We come to the Lord with thanksgiving. Matt Redman’s song “Heart of worship”. Thankfulness comes from something greater than ourselves.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/07/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Please note the first 38 seconds have an echo but thereafter the audio worked normally. Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: Matthew 7 John 3:16 Subject: Pride vs. Humility. Good (God) vs. Evil (man). God triumphed for us, if we will receive His sacrifice (John 3:16). Narrow way (i.e. ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/31/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 19 John 4 Subject: If your life is not one that is filled with the joy of the Lord, then why do you think anyone would want what you’ve got. The Word of God creates order and explains why things ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/24/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 10:1 Matthew 10:5-23 Subject: We are God’s husbandry. It is God who gives the increase. We are to sow the seed, which is the Gospel. If you are going to sow the Gospel then you are going to have ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/17/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Charles Hocker Scriptures used: Mark 6 Luke 22:31 Subject: Preaching the Gospel is not always easy because there is a lot of rejection of the Word of God and Jesus. Go forth into the world and preach the Gospel because our time is short. The harvest ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/10/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: Matthew 6 Subject: Humility vs. Pride – do you want to be approved of by God or by man. Walk by Faith not by Sight – if you are going to walk by faith not by sight then you will ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/03/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: To follow… Subject: To follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/24/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Job 38:1-41 Job 39:1-3 Psalm 8:1-9 Matthew 11: 28-30 Hosea 4:1-14 Isaiah 3: 12 Subject: What is man than that art mindful of him? The Lord asks Job where were you? I made it all possible for you. God created everything for us. The Lord has ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/17/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: 2 Chronicles 7:14 Matthew 5:1-13 John 15:5 Proverbs 3:5-6 Numbers 12:3 Subject: This sermon looks at the admonition to God’s people set forth in II Chronicles 7:14 from the perspective of the Be Attitudes set forth in Matthew 5:1-13. Humility and its relationship to ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/10/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 3 Luke 2:40 Subject: Growth is a part of the Christian walk. In other words, you do not begin at your end. For example, Elisha was not ready to stand as he did when the King of Syria sent ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/03/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: Psalm 103 2 Chronicles 18-20 1 John 4:10-12 Subject: Forget not God’s benefits, notwithstanding the testimony of your flesh. This is important because when you present your bodies a living sacrifice, your flesh will not see God’s benefit. If you will serve the ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/27/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 1 Corinthians 3:18 John 14 Subject: Praise ye the Lord all ye servants of the Lord. Servanthood requires humility. What is humility? Humble yourself before the Lord. You can say the same thing two ways … one would be in humility and the other ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/20/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: Psalm 48:2 Acts 10:1-25 Subject: Being grateful flows naturally from knowing what God has done for us. When our lives are about Jesus, then we will value the things we receive from Him and be grateful. When our lives are ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/13/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 116:16 James 4:1-10 Subject: Are you a servant of the Lord? If you are a servant of the Lord then you will be “free” from any “bonds” that would hinder you in your service? If you are not free then maybe ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/06/2013Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Please note, the audio changes volume quite frequently throughout the recording. Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 1 John 4:7-13 Subject: Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/30/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Please note, the audio is distorted for the first minute of the recording, thereafter it clears up. Speakers: Steven Atherton Robin Atherton Scott Stevens Scriptures used: Matthew 9:10-13 Subject: Grace makes all the difference. There is nothing we can do to make ourselves worthy of God‘s grace. That is why ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/23/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Info to follow Subject: Christmas is a great time to remember Christ. Christmas is also a perfect time to share with others what God has done for you.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/16/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Genesis 6:5-8 Genesis 7:1 Ephesians 1 Subject: Every imagination of man’s heart is only evil continually. Only Noah was righteous, but all who joined him were saved. Only Jesus is righteous and all who join Him are saved. His grace is sufficient to cover ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/09/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Carrie Cannon Scriptures used: 2 Timothy 1:6 Subject: Speak the Word of God, not of yourself. God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and a sound mind. This world is full of fear, hatred and unsound mind. Fear ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/25/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Romans 8:38-39 Matthew 5:7 Matthew 18:23-25 Matthew 6:25-34 Joshua 2 Subject: Today’s service was based on the song “Stir up a Hunger” by Paul Baloche and Rita Baloche. Day into night, you can turn the dark into light, you can take a soul that ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/18/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton (Please note, the audio has an echo for the first 33 seconds.) Scriptures used: Luke 5:27-32 Romans 7:18 to Romans 8:1 Job 40:1-5 Romans 8:19 John 4:23-24 Proverbs 3:5-6 Subject: Let’s start with the cross …. what makes a thief a thief? What makes a liar a ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/11/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Numbers 16 (rebellion of Korah) Hebrews 3:7-13 Hebrews 11:6-7 Philippians 2:12-16 Subject: Stop murmuring and complaining, humble yourself and serve the Lord.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/04/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 4:12 John 1 1 Samuel 8 1 Samuel 12 Subject: The Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. We need to put into practice the songs we sing to the Lord. Man does what man wants to do. Set your mind ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 10/28/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Robin Atherton Steven Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 12 1 Corinthians 13 John 12:26 Matthew 5:14 Matthew 20:20 Subject: Sin doth so easily beset us. We need remember that which the Lord has done and can do through us. Choose Him by faith. Lay aside everything that stops us from preaching the Gospel. What ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 10/21/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scott Bishop Scriptures used: Ephesians 6 Galatians 5:10 Subject: Armor of God. Equipping of soldiers – manual, training, calling up & service. The price of desertion.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/16/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Ephesians 6 Galatians 5:10 Subject: Mercy. The Truth shall set you free.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/09/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Romans 7:18 Subject: John Adams and Longfellow.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/02/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Philippians 4:11 Judges 16 Romans 7:14 Romans 8:1 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/26/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Mark 16:20 1 Corinthians 6 Numbers 13:30 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/19/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Luke 6 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/12/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 2 Timothy Philippians 3:7-8 Judges 6 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/05/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Philippians 4:8 Joshua 1:1 Joshua 23:6-9 Genesis 28:1 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/22/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Matthew 7 Matthew 16:24 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/15/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Isaiah 59:1-4 Genesis 1:2 Subject: Call upon the Lord, have hope and walk in the freedom of the Lord.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/08/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Matthew 9:35 Mark 8 Subject: Recognizing we are all sinners. Ive been redeemed … to what purpose?
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/01/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 12:1 Genesis 6 Luke 18:1 Subject: (Please note, this is not a full copy of this audio file due to technical difficulties.)
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/24/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 9:10 Proverbs 3:5-7 Subject: We teach others about walking with Christ by demonstrating it and living it ourselves.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/17/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: John 4:27 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 06/10/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Luke 18:9 Subject: Your testimony is your best weapon.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/27/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Jonah 4:9 Jonah 1:4 Subject: To Follow...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/20/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/13/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Luke 23:39 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 05/06/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: John 3 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/29/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Matthew 25:14 Subject: Diligently fight for walking right in the Lord.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/22/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Ephesians 2 1 Corinthians 2 Subject: The Body of Christ is not bound by distance.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/15/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 2 Corinthians 6:14 2 Corinthians 7 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/08/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: John 17 Romans 7 Subject: What is the Gospel? Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!
- Sunday Northfield VT – 04/01/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Mark 6 Subject: Testimony of Karen Hocker.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/25/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Galatians 5:22 Subject: The fruit of the spirit is love.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/18/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Romans 6 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/11/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Galatians 5:22 Subject: The greatest generation will be those who turn their eyes back to the Lord. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. Love in the Spirit is the opposite of love in the flesh. Through Christ we have a new ...
- Sunday Northfield VT – 03/04/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Mark 16 Subject: The Disciples Prayer (“Our Father, which art in heaven”). An example of how to pray.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/26/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 12 Isaiah 57 Hebrews 10 2 Samuel 21 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/19/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 4 Subject: Entering Gods rest.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/12/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: Being a servant to Christ means our time is HIS time, not ours. If it’s all about Jesus, what do you do with your time? It’s easy to give things, but give time!
- Sunday Northfield VT – 02/05/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Jude Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/29/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 2 Peter 1 Subject: Preach the Gospel. Be ready and instant in season and out. Believe God.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/22/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 2 Timothy 3 Hebrews 12 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/15/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Philippians 2 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/08/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Luke 6:20 2 Timothy 1:7 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 01/01/2012Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: 1 Corinthians 15:12 Genesis 1:14 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/25/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Mark 7:14 Luke 2 Subject: Jesus’ birth.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/18/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 136 Hebrews 10 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/11/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Acts 6:8 Acts 7 Subject: Opinions do not matter.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 12/04/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: John 13:3 Subject: Wax on, Wax off.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/27/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Luke 16 Subject: Servanthood to friendship.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/13/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 91 Luke 17 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 11/06/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Isaiah 1 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 10/30/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Hebrews 11:6 Subject: Perspective. Faith is a verb.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 10/23/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Megan Atherton Scriptures used: Matthew 7 Luke 14:25 Subject: A second witness.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 10/02/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/25/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: Proverbs 3 Subject: Chosen generations.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/18/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: Duty and service to God.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 09/11/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: Psalm 25 Isaiah 58 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/28/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/21/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: John 15 Subject: To Follow…
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/14/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: Galatians 5:14 Subject: Choosing to do things that set our affection on the Lord. It’s a choice on our part to do this. Loving one another and being mindful of others before being mindful of ourselves.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 08/07/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: 1 John 5:1-6 Subject: Fellowship with believers of like faith, love one another.
- Sunday Northfield VT – 07/31/2011Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Steven Atherton Scriptures used: John 3 Subject: What does “the Gospel” mean?