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Thursday South Carolina Services


Thursday South Carolina Service
(Thursday night at 7:00pm EST at


Please click the links below to listen to the archived services for Thursday South Carolina Service.

  • Thursday – 02/25/2016
    He preferred you over Himself, are you doing that for others? SCRIPTURES USED: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, Romans 6
  • Thursday – 02/11/2016
    If you turn to the Lord and trust Him with whatever the situation is, that is a win-win. 1 John 3:18-24
  • Thursday – 02/04/2016
    Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Phillip Walthall Paul Muller Lisa Capshaw Scriptures used: … Subject: …
  • Thursday – 01/28/2016
    When you can stand it’s still not about you it’s because He’s good. SCRIPTURES USED: 1 Peter 2:20-25, Romans 5:3
  • Thursday – 01/21/2016
    The only image you should be consumed with is that of Jesus Christ and making yourself conformed to that image. SCRIPTURES USED: Colossians 3:5-15, Ephesians 4:17-32
  • Thursday – 01/14/2016
    His love, that agape love, is unconditional and when you walk in it, it’s walking as Jesus walked. SCRIPTURES USED: Galatians 5:22-26, Ephesians 4:26, 1 John 2:1-15
  • Thursday – 01/07/2016
    Walk by faith and not by sight. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 8:5-10, Matthew 8:23-27, Colossians 1:14-22
  • Thursday – 12/17/2015
    Don’t get sidetracked by the things of the earth. To set your affection on things above is a diligent choice you make. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 23:27-28, Luke 18:11-14, Colossians 2:6-3:4, Hebrews 11:6, 1 John 1:9
  • Thursday – 12/10/2015
    The Word of the Lord is true, in all things and at all times. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 8, 1 Samuel 17, Matthew 11:28-30
  • Thursday – 12/03/2015
    When the truth testifies against you what do you do with it? SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 1:6, John 8:31-32, Galatians 6:6-10, 1 Corinthians 1:10, Philippians 2:2
  • Thursday – 11/12/2015
    The Lord wants to bless you, get out of the way. SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 1:6, Philippians 4:6-13, Romans 8:35, Colossians 3:1-2, Romans 5:20
  • Thursday – 11/05/2015
    There is no preference with God, you’re either His or you’re not. SCRIPTURES USED: Romans 5:3-4, John 8:1-11, Colossians 3:1-11, Ephesians 4:1-15
  • Thursday – 10/29/2015
    If you will humble yourself and listen to counsel as the Word of the Lord and obey it, the Lord will move mightily. SCRIPTURES USED: 2 Timothy 1:7-18, Psalm 33:8-9, Matthew 10:16, Matthew 12:34-37, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
  • Thursday – 10/01/2015
    All that you have to give the Lord, that He hasn’t already given you, is praise and obedience. SCRIPTURES USED: Ephesians 1:15-20, Ephesians 3:17-21
  • Thursday – 09/24/2015
    Stop making excuses. Are you going to operate in Christ or yourself? SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 2:12-13, Philippians 4:8, Romans 8:28, James 4:8, Romans 12:1, Philippians 3:7-8, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
  • Thursday – 09/10/2015
    Don’t make your mistakes a reason for not moving on. You repent, you go on and you thank Him for letting you go on. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Psalm 100
  • Thursday – 09/03/2015
    Loving God is to obey Him, loving one another means you speak truth to others. SCRIPTURES USED: Ephesians 4:1-7, Isaiah 40:28-31, Joshua 1:9, Luke 14:26-27, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
  • Thursday – 08/27/2015
    We all have a lot to learn, don’t get hung up on it. Don’t allow the flesh to rob you of the blessings of the Lord. SCRIPTURES USED: Proverbs 16:18, 1 Peter 5:5-7, Ephesians 4, Psalm 23, James 5:14-16, Romans 10:9-10
  • Thursday – 08/20/2015
    How often do you ‘know better’ than those put over you? When you’re in that place you’re standing in judgement of God. SCRIPTURES USED: Ephesians 6:1-11, Romans 6:16
  • Thursday – 08/13/2015
    Christ is trying to set you free. There is no darkness in our God. SCRIPTURES USED: Romans 5:1-6, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 1 John 1:5, 1 Samuel 8
  • Thursday 08/06/2015
    The movie Amistad used to relay the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 2:14, John 16:33, Romans 1:14-32
  • Thursday 07/30/2015
    It is a right thing to have your eyes set on the Lord and not be moved. SCRIPTURES USED: Hebrews 13:17, Psalm 115, Luke 10:27, Hebrews 13:7, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 5:21
  • Thursday 07/23/2015
    Love the truth, receive it and speak it. Choosing not to speak the truth is preferring yourself. Jesus is the way out. Your situation is not too big for the Lord. SCRIPTURES USED: Revelations 12:11, Philippians 3:4-8, James 1:22-24, Luke 10:27, 1 Samuel 1:1-18
  • Thursday 07/16/2015
    Things that are too big are not too big for Him. He can turn something around to be something that profits Him and gives Him glory. SCRIPTURES USED: Genesis 22:14, Exodus 6:3, Exodus 3:14, Jeremiah 23:6, John 1:17, Colossians 1:17, James 1:2-8, Ephesians 4:11-19, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 6:10-20
  • Thursday 07/09/2015
    To every thing there is a season. Forgetting those things which are behind … we need to keep our eyes on Him and He is in front of us. SCRIPTURES USED: Ecclesiastes 3:1, Philippians 3:13-14, John 15:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:2-8
  • Thursday 07/02/2015
    Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as): Speakers: Paul Muller Scott Bishop Linda Hanger Lisa Capshaw Melanie Bishop Scriptures used: To Follow… Subject: To Follow…
  • Thursday 06/25/2015
    None of us are perfect, this flesh is under the curse. You’ve gotta love one another. SCRIPTURES USED: Philippians 3:15-18, Romans 6:23, John 14:6, Romans 10:17, 1 Corinthians 1:10
  • Thursday 06/18/2015
    The Veil. The blood. SCRIPTURES USED: John 1:1-5, Leviticus 17:11, Ephesians 3:20
  • Thursday 06/11/2015
    Obey and watch as the Lord moves and be blessed.
  • Thursday 06/04/2015
    Would you die and go to hell for others to have a chance to believe? Jesus did! The operation of the Holy Spirit. Christ died for us because we were not able to do it any other way. SCRIPTURES USED: John 15:5, Romans 5:8, Romans 12, Galatians 5:19, Galatians 6
  • Thursday 05/28/2015
    If you’re going to be a Christian, Christ has got to be first and you serve Him at His convenience, not your own. If you do your best then through Christ your best will get better. SCRIPTURES USED: Matthew 28:18, Luke 14:26, Ephesians 3:20, Colossians 3:2, Romans 5:3, 1 John, Ephesians 3:14
Ministers Conference
2017 Ministers Conference will take place at Grace Ranch in TX from Monday, October 9th to Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Interested in attending? Contact Steve Atherton at (915) 988-2450 for more information.

2016 Ministers Conference is now available online: click here to listen.)

2015 Ministers Conference audio is available online (For audio of the 2015 Ministers Conference, click here.)