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Sunday TX – 11/17/2013

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  • Richard D. Eutsler, Sr.
  • Scott Bishop

Scriptures used:

  • Proverbs 28:13
  • 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • 1 John 1:9
  • 1 Corinthians 15:33-34
  • John 14:15


  • We are all sinners and need forgiveness.   If you don’t know it or if you don’t think you are, it holds you back a lot of the time.
  • To overcome a sin we need to confess our sins to the Lord and ask His forgiveness, turn from it, then do that sin no more and He will blot it out and remember it no more and give us a new beginning, so don’t go back or bother yourself in it anymore, forget it, receive and move forward.
  • There is no temptation we can’t bear.  If the old habit or sin begins to tempt you resist it, that is the devil trying to turn you from God, don’t give it place. Go back to God for forgiveness and remember He freed you from that and then trust in Him and the temptation will be broken.
  • If you yield to the temptation you feed it.   To kill a thing you starve a thing so it dies.
  • We have to confess our sins to Him humbly and ask forgiveness, if we realize we have done wrong, then turn back immediately and confess our sin again.   God is a kind and loving Father and will forgive us even when we can’t seem to forgive ourselves if we trust Him, believe Him at His word and move forward.
  • Paul was speaking to believers.  People in the world don’t have knowledge of God.
  • In Timothy Paul wrote that in the latter days there will be some who “ever learn but never come to know the truth”, he was speaking of people in church saying they would depart from the faith, not meaning they would stop going to church or stop being religious but they’d depart from the faith.
  • To love God we need to do what God says.   Disobedience of our children does not work for you or me why should it work for God?
  • His commandment is to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength and mind and love one another.   Evil communication is anything we say that is unkind.   It is designed to bring the other person down and the reason is to puff up ourselves.   We are all guilty!   It is evil not loving one another.   Keep God’s commandments.   We have the ability to do what God says but a man does what a man wants to do, do right or do wrong.
  • Richard’s testimony of going blind and what he learned.
  • Fear and worry keep us from doing what God wants us to do.
  • There are three steps to the Kingdom of God.   The first is to become a child of God and we can’t be the other two without that one.
  • To be a child of God is when we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior by faith and dedicate our life to Him.   This does not make us perfect but what the Bible refers to as being “born again”.   Like any child there are responsibilities and chores that go along with it.
  • We need to learn to feed ourselves by reading the Word ourselves, then Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will teach us all things, if we let Him.
  • We are all capable of feeding ourselves by reading the Word ourselves and don’t need others to read it for us.   Reading the Bible and studying it feeds the soul.
  • When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we enlist and join His army so we need to be dedicated to the fight and know there is a fight, and be trained, that’s what  we are here for.
  • The Bible is our manual and we need to read it first.
  • Let’s put garbage aside and do that little thing and love one another extending grace to each other and let God be God.
  • There are two more steps to be talked about later, servant of God and then friend of God.   We have to first get through the childhood before we can go to the next.
Ministers Conference
2017 Ministers Conference will take place at Grace Ranch in TX from Monday, October 9th to Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Interested in attending? Contact Steve Atherton at (915) 988-2450 for more information.

2016 Ministers Conference is now available online: click here to listen.)

2015 Ministers Conference audio is available online (For audio of the 2015 Ministers Conference, click here.)