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Hour of Truth – 11/2/2014

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  • Paul Muller
  • Scott Bishop
  • Phillip Walthall
  • James Eutsler

Scriptures used:

  • James 4:3
  • Matthew 7: 21-23
  • Galatians 3:1
  • John 21: 15-17
  • 1 Peter 5:7
  • Galatians 2:16
  • 1 Samuel 15:22



  • Judge not lest ye be judged.  Don’t judge others in their ways or motives.  Your judgement of others will come back on you.  It’s self justification and pride and that is not of God at all.  It is crucial that we get shed of judgment of others.  It is a judgement of whether or not we think someone should be saved or not (condemning others).  God makes the judgement of who is saved and who is not.  Often we think so well of ourselves and that we are saved for sure that we look at others as being bad and unsaveable.
  • A lot of people think that if they do more good than bad that the good will tip the scales in their favor with God.  WRONG!  We are not saved by doing so called “good” works.  We are saved by grace through faith.  What Jesus did on the cross was the only “good work” that could be done for salvation.  Nothing that we can do.  If your faith is in Christ and what He did on the cross, then the so called “bad” things we did are washed away by His blood anyhow and don’t need to be weighed.  Don’t make salvation about good works vs. evil works.
  • The natural tendency of the flesh is to justify itself.  That is what we do by nature because of the carnal man.  It is a lust that we have.  Choose in your mind to fight against that and realize that you are no better than anyone else.
  • God will not cover you with His grace if you are looking to justify yourself.  God’s grace is for those who humble themselves before Him and look to be justified by Jesus.
  • You do not trust in yourself, you trust in Jesus and the completeness of what He has done for us, you don’t trust in yourself to make enough good points to offset the bad ones.  You will be trying to chase that down forever and that’s never going to work.
  • God’s mercies are renewed each day.  Praise God for that.  Could you even get out of bed in the morning if all the past was stacked up against you and every day the stack got heavier as the days went by.  How would you feel at the end of a lifetime?  Or even at the end of the week?  You would probably have no hope at all.  But because his mercies are renewed each day, our hope is also renewed each day.
  • You want to do and say the things that please God, not the things that will please people in order to gain something for yourself.
  • Please check out the link next to the subject heading for some great reading about what the disciples were going through when Jesus was on the cross.
Ministers Conference
2017 Ministers Conference will take place at Grace Ranch in TX from Monday, October 9th to Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Interested in attending? Contact Steve Atherton at (915) 988-2450 for more information.

2016 Ministers Conference is now available online: click here to listen.)

2015 Ministers Conference audio is available online (For audio of the 2015 Ministers Conference, click here.)