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Wednesday – 4/16/2014

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  • Robin Atherton
  • Karen Hocker
  • Megan Atherton

Scriptures used:

  • Ephesians 3:16
  • Ephesians 6:11-13
  • Romans 8:5-7
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
  • Ephesians 6:18
  • Philippians 4:6
  • 1 Peter 5:7
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • Jude 1:20
  • Hebrews 4:16


  • Seven Steps to Fighting in the Spirit.
  • Pray that the Lord would grant you the strength in the spirit. Pray it on a daily basis and get up moving forward knowing that God will answer that prayer.
  • Put on the whole Armour of God. In Christ Jesus you are clothed with His Armour, it is something we can take up and use that ye may be able to stand. And we can not do this in our carnal man.
  • By the end of the day you can see if you have done this. It is an act of faith and by faith we do these things. We have to know what the Armor is.
  • How much do we wrestle against flesh and blood? That is not what we should be doing.
  • You can not judge with your feelings whether you were in or out of the Lord. The standard is in the Word not our feelings.
  • The joy in the Lord never departs if you have that hope that is only found in Him. The hope is what He is doing in us. That we will pass through that death into salvation. It all starts with wrestling the ungodly things in us down.
  • The carnal mind isn’t subject to the will of the Lord and never will be and can not be pleasing to the Lord.
  • If you are struggling in your spirit it is a victorious struggle if you are in your flesh it will be a failure.
  • How did you start your day? In the flesh or the Spirit?
  • You can not have a hope of overcoming if you don’t believe God. When we get a handle on faith and actually believing God, then you have a hope.
  • In Him you can do all things. Paul believed and knew God was true and that all he was called to do was attainable. His flesh was always there to dissuade him. Every day he made a choice to keep the faith regardless of what was going on around or in him.
  • Never worry about what you think of you because none of that matters.  It really points out how much we are about ourselves.
  • You can’t serve the Lord if you are wanting to look or be something in your natural man. We find ourselves subject to our natural man, but we can put that off.
  • We have a great cloud of witnesses who had already done it.
  • The fight does not stop, we must choose Jesus over ourselves. The warfare does not take place in our flesh, if it did we would be defeated.
  • The so called “good” in you can be a strong hold or the faults in us. Anything that is a hindrance to us and our walk with the Lord.
  • One of the important things we need to understand is we all have many thoughts or reasons why we can’t do things and be so caught up in what we’ve only known. We need to realize they were only lies and not the truth. The truth trumps everything if we will hear it and receive it.
  • When we come to the Lord we have already sured ourselves up by so many other things. But we don’t need them anymore because we are on the Rock. A lot of it comes by hearing.
  • The beautiful thing about the Lord, when you choose to put something off and to stand He is there to deliver from it. He doesn’t wait around He is there.  Let the Lord show you where you hang on to things and justifying yourself.
  • Everything in your life you need to keep before the Lord, trust Him.
  • We need to begin to exercise our spiritual senses, the only way to do that is to be watchful. In that place you are in a position to fight.
  • When you are praying with all supplication for all saints you get to be a part of their overcoming and moving forward in the Lord. In our spiritual man we are pleased in another’s victory, not in our carnal man though. In our carnal man we enjoy seeing people fail.
  • Don’t give up, persevere for others. It takes the fruit of the spirit it is love. You can’t say you love if your love isn’t an active thing.  Your love shows.
  • We can replace that which is natural in us that is not of God, with lifting things up to our Heavenly Father because He cares for us. He says it because He is there and wants you to do it. Leave it in His hands, getting it off you and onto Him. He knows how to sort things out. Then thank Him for it.
  • Don’t dwell on cares of the world.
  • When you actually know that what God says is true, you are just so overwhelmingly thankful.
  • Fighting in the Spirit; gotta take him at his word and believe Him. Know He cares for you.
  • It all comes down to our personal choice, it is our responsibility, no one else’s.
  • If we trust and believe Him then what is there to be worried or careful about? We have a new parent, our Father in heaven and parents here on earth in the Lord who are willing to show us how.
  • Praying in tongues. The fruit of it is that we build up our most holy faith. Praying in the Spirit is edifying to the spiritual man not our carnal man. We need to choose to be about our spiritual man.
  • You are going to fall and fail more than you realize. It is easy to feel deflated and get into a funk when we do, but we have to know that we come to the Lord not because we succeeded but because we believe Him and we need his grace. We can only do that when we realize there is nothing we can bring except the fact that we believe Him.
  • Get to a place where you don’t want to dwell in that place of focus on your failures. So you fight! We can not blame our lack of fight on anyone else but ourselves.
  • The blood of the Lamb is our entrance, nothing we bring!
  • Knowing there is no victory in our carnal man can be a great deliverance if we choose it to be. He transcends everything we know, we need to grab a hold of it and believe it.God doesn’t ask us to overcome in a natural sense but in Him we can take on those giants and in Him we have to.
  • This is about people becoming of like faith and like stand.
Ministers Conference
2017 Ministers Conference will take place at Grace Ranch in TX from Monday, October 9th to Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Interested in attending? Contact Steve Atherton at (915) 988-2450 for more information.

2016 Ministers Conference is now available online: click here to listen.)

2015 Ministers Conference audio is available online (For audio of the 2015 Ministers Conference, click here.)