Sunday SC – 06/14/2015
Click here to listen to Brother DAVY’s preaching or Download MP3 (right click save as):
Click here to listen to the service or Download as MP3 (right click & save as):
- Richard D Eutsler Sr
- Paul Muller
Scriptures used:
- Matthew 27:50-51
- 1 John 3:2
- Psalm 104:4
- Romans 7:18
- John 1:1-5
- Colossians 2:9
- Isaiah 53:5
- Romans 5:8-10
- It all starts with In the beginning God created.
- God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning but even then He was the word.
- Adam was clothed with a veil called righteousness. It was the righteousness of man and Adam could keep it as long as he followed God’s commandment.
- When you learn the mystery of the veil and learn how it applies to you, you can then be free of all the things that satan would put on you.
- When Jesus died on that cross the veil of the temple was split in twain because that veil was no longer needed.
- When we come to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior he cannot give us the veil of Adam but can give us the righteousness of God.
- The blood that Christ put on the alter is given to you, it separates your physical body from your spiritual body, it is a veil.
- You begin to learn to see with your mind in the kingdom or God not in the kingdom of the world, learn to disregard the kingdom of the world.
- When you speak through the power of the holy ghost you will be a veil. By the word which is God, they will see and hear and God will manifest himself.
- The veil will only keep those outside the veil from seeing what’s behind the veil.
- If you can get a handle on the simplicity of how God works within the veil then you will know how God works within you, so others can be reach by God.
- You go into the holiest of holy with God, you must get rid of fear and doubt.
- We get to partake in his nature and goodness. The challenge is, do you believe His word?
- If you can’t believe Him and that His word is true, he can fix that too. When you cry out to the Lord He hears you, and He will meet that need.
- When your life is about being that priest in that priesthood position to those you could minister unto, every promise of the Lord and provision are yours.
- If you don’t’ believe this stuff, if you don’t know Him, cry out to Him; He’s not going to turn His back on you He will meet you.